SEMIFINALS Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
In this competition gathered 11 challengers to determine the winner
and opponents of the Royal New Zealand Yachting SQADRON.
The Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
FINAL Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
ITA 45 Luna Rossa
die Siegerin des LVC2000
USA 61 AmericaOne
verlor das Finale
In this competition gathered 11 challengers to determine the winner and opponent
of the Royal New Zealand Yachting SQADRON.
AMERICA’S CUP History 1983 - 2010
AmericaOne USA-61 lost the final of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
Paul Cayard, 1992 skipper on ITA-25, helmsman 1995 on
USA 55 and today still very actively under the top sailors
founded his own syndicate for the AC 2000 called
He had an excellent yacht, put together a very
professional crew, but had at times a financial hangover.
This was confirmed by the Cup rule – the richer a
syndicate the better are its chances.
Therefore, it was a respectable success to sail in the far
Auckland in the final of the LVC 2000.
But he lost this to Prada's Luna Rossa ITA 45
Paul Cayard, 1992 skipper on ITA-25, helmsman 1995 on
USA-55 founded his own syndicate for the AC 2000 called
Yacht / Country : Stars & Stripes
Sail No USA-55
Syndicate : Team Dennis
CEO : Dennis Conner
Yacht Club: Cortez Racing
Designer : John Reichel /
Jim Pugh
Boat Builder : New England
Skipper: Dennis Conner
USA-55 Stars & Stripes challenger of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
Mr. America’s Cup (as he has been politely
christened) or Big Bad Dennis (a more
populist name), is participating in his ninth
Cup. Conner has won the America’s Cup four
times, in 1974, 1980, 1987 and 1988. But he
has also lost it twice, in 1983 and 1995.
Conner has been involved with the America’s
Cup since he was the starting helmsman for
the victorious Courageous in 1974. He is,
without argument, the most influential person
in modern America’s Cup history.
Dennis Conner could for cost reasons only
finance this one yacht in its now 9th
He reached the semifinals of the LVC 2000 on
the third ranking, but lost at the end against
Dennis Conner reached the semifinals of the LVC 2000 on
the third ranking, but lost at the end
Yacht / Country : NIPPON
Sail No JPN-44 and 52
CEO : Tatsumitsu Yamasaki
Yacht Club: Nippon YC
Designer : Nippon Challenge
Design Team
Masanobu Katori
Hideaki Miyata
( assembled a young designers team
from 5 Japanese universities and various companies)
Boat Builder : Challengers
Building Team
Skipper: Peter Gilmour
The driving force of Nippon Challenge (1st participation
+ Semifinals 1992, Semifinals again in 1995) was
Tatsumitsu Yamasaki, CEO of S + F Foods, Asia's
market leader in the Spice trade .Despite the Asian
financial crisis, sponsorship money for two new yachts
(JPN 44 and 52) could be provided
A team led by the Japanese Professor Hideaki Myata
designed 50 computer models, of which 5 were tested
in the tank.
The Australian professional sailor Peter Gilmour, who
took care for years for the team steered as skipper
JPN 44 on the 4th ranking in the semifinals of the LVC
JPN-44 NIPPON challenger ofthe Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
A team led by the Japanese Professor Hideaki Myata designed
50 computer models, of which 5 were tested in the tank.
Yacht / Country : AMERICA TRUE
Sail No USA 51
Syndicate : America True
CEO : Dawn Riley
Yacht Club: San Francisko YC
Designer : Phil Kaiko (USA)
Kurt Jordan
Heiner Melden
Aaron Perry
Mike Danks
Jim Hacket
Boat Builder : James Bettes
Skipper: Dawn Riley
Dawn Riley is - because of her leadership roles in
the ACs in 1992 and 1995 and her two
participations at the Whitbread Round the World
Race - the best known American sailor
Now she founded her own syndicate - that by the
way also created a program for difficult youths.
These should understand the required teamwork
and responsibility on sail-boats for their later life.
Important for the success of the syndicate became
the partnership with C. Christopher, who
established his assets, networks and his general
technical know-how from the data communication
The acquired helmsman John Cutler steered 1992
and 1995 for Nippon Challenge.
The team traveled as the first one already in the
summer of 1998/99 for training to Auckland.
As a training boat they acquired Chris Dickson's
former NZL-39.
This yacht was painted gray, with a red side profile of the Golden Gate Bridge and a mythical figure
dancing on the supporting cables.
The team finished the LVC 2000 on ranking 5 in the semifinals.
USA-51 AMERICA TRUE challenger ofthe Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
Dawn Riley is - because of her leadership roles in
the ACs in 1992 and 1995 and her two
participations at the Whitbread Round the World
Race - t
Yacht / Country : 6eme Sans
Sail No FRA 46
Syndicate : Le Defi BTT
CEO : Xavier de Lesquen
Yacht Club: Union Nationale
pour la Course au large
Designer : Le Defi design team
Boat Builder : Multiplast
Skipper: Bertrand Pace
After unjustified criticism of his failure in 1995
Marc Pajot tried initially with Le Defi Sud a 2nd
French team, but could not raise the necessary
Then he joined the Swiss team FAST 2000.
His successor became the French sailing champion
Bertrand Pace.
Le Defi Bouygues Telecom Transiciel – the official
name of this Syndicate- got a good financial bases
by this French Telecom provider.
6eme Sans (FRA-46) was a fast yacht.
Bertrand Pace reached the 6th ranking in the
semifinals of the LVC 2000
FRA-46 6eme Sans challenger of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
Le Defi Bouygues Telecom Transiciel – the official
name of this Syndicate- got a good financial bases
Yacht / Country : BRAVO ESPANA
Sail No ESP-47, ESP -52
Syndicate : Spanish Challenge
CEO : Pedro Campos
Yacht Club: Monte Real Club
de Yates de Bayona
Designer : Rolf Vrolijk
Javier Panies
Manuel Ruiz
Boat Builder : CADE
Skipper: Pedro Campos
Luis Doreste
After 1992 and 1995, it was -like at Nippon
Challenge- the 3rd participation of the Spaniards
in an AC.
Skipper was again Pedro Campos, who
reinforced the team with the 2-time Olympic
gold medalist Luis Doreste.
With the multinational combine ENDESA
(electrical power supplier) the team won a
strong sponsor.
Designer of the ESP-47 was Rolf Vrolijk, who
worked 2003 and 2007 as chief designer for
Alinghi. ESP-56 is the reconstructed and newly
classified ESP-42 from 1995.
ESP-47 reached after RR33 in the LVC 2000 the
7th of 11 rankings.
ESP-47 BRAVO ESPANA challenger of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
After 1992 and 1995, it was the 3rd participation of the Spaniards in
an AC.
Yacht / Country : YOUNG AMERICA
Sail No USA 53 and USA-58
Syndicate : PACT 2000
CEO : John Marshall
Yacht Club: New York YC
Designer : Farr Yacht Design
Boat Builder : Eric Goetz Custom
Skipper: Ed Baird
Young America, became the Challenger of Record
(representative of all challengers) and was
represented by the New York YC.
CEO John Marshal with Cup experience since 1980
is part of the legend of this racing circus. He
organized an extremely good team.
With the designers Bruce Farr, the skipper Ed Baird
(Rolex Yacht-man of the Year), and 17 crew
members of various AC winner yachts , Young
America arrived in Auckkland as one of the
In November 1999, during a LVC race against
Nippon Challenge, the deck of the USA- 53 broke
across in the middle. Both her bow and her rear
came up. The boat was
stabilized by the auxiliary boats sank and did not sank. Later it has been repaired. As reason they told
that after a repair on deck the resin did not cure properly. Therefore the carbon fibre fabrics deliminated
weakening the whole construction.
The team continued the competitions with USA-58. But it is said that this event brought them so out of
the concept that tey could not reach even the semifinals.
USA-53 YOUNG AMERICA challenger of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
In November 1999, during a LVC race against
Nippon Challenge, the deck of the USA- 53 broke
across in the middle.
Yacht / Country : ABRACADABRA 2000
Sail No USA 50 and USA 54
Syndicate : Aloha Racing
CEO : Dr. James Andrews
Yacht Club: Waikiki Yacht Club
Designer : Andy Dovell (USA)
David Burns (AUS) —
Per Anderson (USA) —
Paintings: Wyland
Boat Builder : Aloha Racing
Skipper: John Kolius
Of the 5 U.S. challenger Aloha Racing was the team
coming from Hawaii. Eye-catchers were the 2 white
yachts (with blue airbrush sprayed whales,
dolphins porpoises, a swordfish, a marlin, etc. as
decoration). They were painted by the famous
marine artist Wyland. Each boat side had its own
motive. Another eye-catching were the deep-blue
The yachts were built in Hawaii. Training was also
there for reasons of cost, since similar wind
conditions prevail as in Auckland.
Skipper became John Kolius, who put as early as in
the defender elimination races of the NYYC of
1983, his opponent Dennis Conner on his new
Liberty under high pressure. Kolius was racing the
already 10 years old Courageous.
As a financially weak team, Aloha Racing reached
in the LVC 2000 the 9th ranking out of 11.
USA-54 ABRACADABRA 2000 challenger of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
Of the 5 U.S. challenger Aloha Racing was the team
coming from Hawaii. Eye-catchers were the 2 white
* in their elder, but now changed website the San Diego Boat Movers commented this picture as:
Wyland painted the Hawaii team's ALOHA boats for the year 2000 challenge at Auckland, NZ. 'ALOHA'
was eliminated along with the other US entries in the challenger selection series, the Louis Vuitton Cup.
This was the first America's Cup race to be contested without a US challenger or defender.
Vuitton Cup winner, Italian team 'PRADA', was defeated by the TEAM NEW ZEALAND defenders.
Yacht / Country : YOUNG AUSTRALIA
Sail No AUS 31
Syndicate : Yopung Australia
CEO : Syd Fisher
Yacht Club: Cruising Yacht Club of
Designer : Fluid Thinking Pty.
Boat Builder : McConaghy Boats
Skipper: James Spithill
This was the fifth and last participation of the then
73 year old Syd Fischer on an AC, but not the end of
his sailor's career.
With a legendary victory Biography (Admiral's Cup,
Fastnet, One Ton Cup, Sydney - Hobart Race), he
finished end of December 2012 as skipper with 85
years on the 2nd ranking the Sydney - Hobart Race (
a 670 miles competition over a heavy, stormy open
sea ).
For the Young Australia team he gathered a crew of
11 sailors from 18 to 22 years and 4 experienced
The adolescents were recruited from programs of the
leading Australian yacht clubs.
James Spithill was at 19 now the youngest helmsman
who ever participated in an AC
Today he is preparing as a skipper ORACLE's AC72 for
the the AC 2013.
Fischer started with his old AUS-29/1995, but
acquired later from OneAustrlia the faster yacht AUS-
AUS-31 YOUNG AUSTRALIA challenger of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
This was the fifth and last participation of the then 73 year old Syd Fischer
on an AC, but not the end of his sailor's career.
Yacht / Country : be Happy
Sail No SUI - 59
Syndicate : FAST 2000
(First America’s Cup Swiss Team)
CEO : Raymond Bornand
Yacht Club: Club Nautique de Morges
Designer : Philippe Briand,
Peter van Oossanen
Boat Builder : FAST 2000
Skipper: Marc Pajot
Jochen Schümann
The syndicate, founded in 1996, built the most innovative,
but also the riskiest racing yacht of the AC 2000. Instead of a
rigid single keel with a trim flap, a ballast bomb and a
variable rudder, the designers constructed 2 rotating heavy
keels with bulbs of approx. 10 to each.
These should be connected via a mechanical synchronization
and control. But this was not built for some unknown reason.
Therefore, 2 independent helmsman had to control the yacht
which could be hardly stabilised. Money and lack of time
prevented then any further technical improvement.
To all disaster, the mast broke during an elimination race in
the Louis Vouitton Cup. The team had agreed with the
Australian competitors, that they loan them a spare mast .
But this was rejected by the race committee.
So, the Swiss parted off in the 2nd of 3 Round Robins.
The hull (the mast was broken and the deck hardware has
been sold) was later purchased by Team Alinghi and adapted
as a training boat in Alinghi's design and colours for the AC in
SUI-59 be Happy challenger of the Louis Vuitton Cup 2000
The syndicate, founded in 1996, built the most innovative,
but also the riskiest racing yacht of the AC 2000.