For questions or feedback pls. contact : office@americas-cup-history.at
This website was launched for the first time in November 2010 with 26 chapters. Now, in June 2014, it contains 160 chapters per language. Many thanks to all who have supported me. Especially to the editor of Cupinfo, for his permanent motivation and his unsuccessful attempts to improve my English.   To Prof. St. Fiddes and David Redfern of the  Blue Arrow Team 1988 for their valuble inputs and to G. Molnar for his permission to use his images of the 12m/US 49. .  
Many thanks as well to the San Diego Boat Movers for their permission to use images from an elder website together with their unique and precise comments of that time. Last not least my special thanks to the America's Cup Event Authority (ACEA). Their permission to publish photos of their database made it possible to improve significantly the quality of Chapter AC 2013. 
For questions or feedback pls. contact : office@americas-cup-history.at
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Bibliography LANG, Luigi, JONES, Dyer, The 12 Metre Class, The History of The International 12 Metre Class from the First International Rule to the America's Cup, Adlar ColesNautical, London, 2001 LEVITT, Michael, LLOYD, Barbara, Upset: Australia Wins The America's Cup, Workman Publishing, New York, 1983 STANNARD, Bruce,Ben Lexcen, The Man, the Keel and the Cup, Faber & Faber, London, 1984. BOYD, Jeff, HUNTER, Doug,Trials »Canada l and the 1983 America's Cup«,  Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, 1984.                                                  
STANNARD, Bruce,  The Triumph of »Australie II«,  Lansdowne, Sydney, 1983.
A History of the Royal Burnham Yacht Club, aniversary book by various club members, 1990 America’s Cup 87, BOTTINI Margherita, Delius Klasing, ISBN 3-7688-0562-x The America’s Cup 1987 – The Official Record,, FISHER Bob, ROSS Bob, Henry Holt, N:Y. ISBN 08050-580-3 America’s Cup, R.VILLAROSA, J.NEUPERT Delius Klasing  ISBN 3-7688-0627-8 A Picture History of the America’s Cup, J. ROSMANIERE Mysty Seaport Museum Store 1989 ISBN 0-393-02819-4 Comeback – My Race for the America’s Cup, D. CONNER, B.STANNARD St. Martin’s Press, N.Y. ISBN 0-312-00900-3 Keels Take Flight , B. LLOYD, Nautical Quarterly, Winter 1986 Nautical Quarterly Co.Essex, N.H. America’s Cup’95 The Official Record   Dick CENTER  1995 Tehabi Books ISBN 1-887656-02-2 Nippon Challenge  Japan’s Pursuit of the America’s Cup    Patrick SMITH ISBN 0-385-42171-0 Alinghi’s Gipfelsturm  Der America’s Cup Tatjana POKORNY ISBN 3-7688-1489-0 Gipfeltreffen der Giganten   Der America’s Cup 2007 Tatjana POKORNY ISBN 978-3-7688-1922-03- Winging It OTUSAs Incredible Comeback to Defend the AC 2013 Diane Swintal ISBN 978-007-183412-4 Steven Tsuchiya, Robert Kamins  
will be continued
Index Index
Deutsch Index © K. Urtz 2013